Making Herb steamed snapper fish
Today was one of those days I that I made fish, steamed snapper fish at that. They were fresh and I think Christina got them from Florida but, where ever they came they were fresh. Fish are always easy to cook but, you must be careful because like me you could easily over cook them.
Choosing fresh fish is not so hard, look for things like a firm, whitish belly, red and firm gills and bright, large eyes that are black. Once the fish starts cooking the eyes will turn opaque(not to worry).

Delicious Herb steamed snapper with okras.
3 medium to large snapper fish
1 large onions, cut in circles
1/2 red pepper, sliced
1 stalk celery, sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbsp margarine
2 sprigs thyme
1 tsp. fresh oregano, chopped
1 tsp. marjoram, chopped
1 tsp. parsley. chopped
15 medium okras
1 tsp. Bragg amino
salt and pepper for seasoning

In a large sauce pan add all the cut up vegetables, set aside 6 slices of onion. Season the fish inside and out with salt and pepper. Lay fish in the sauce pan sprinkle with  herbs, margarine and add okras. Pour 1/2 cup of water and Bragg's, cover for 10 minutes and cook at medium high heat. Adjust season if needed by adding salt and pepper, then lay addition onions on top. Cook for an additional 10  minutes. Do not over cook, fish should not be mushy.
 Happy cooking
